Parents: Louis Abrahamson (1877 - 1957) and Rachel (Ettie) Joseph (1881 - 1951)

Dorothy had 7 brothers and sisters:
Adeline Abrahamson (1904 - 1991)
Anne Abrahamson (1905 - 1988)
Daniel Joseph Abrahamson (1909 - 1997)
Freda Leah Abrahamson (1911 - 2009)
Miriam Bella Abrahamson (1913 - 2018)
Eva Abrahamson (1916 - 2001)
Sylvia Abrahamson (1923 - )
Born: 8 February 1908 in Liverpool, England
Birth certificate for Dorothy. She was born on 8 February 1902 at 92 St Anne Street, Liverpool. Here father was Louis Abrahamson, a Hebrew meat inspector and her mother was Etty Abrahamson, formerly Joseph. The birth was registered on 13 March 1908
Hebrew Name: Dvora, daughter of Yehuda Leyb

Home Office No. 237,752. Certificate No. 23860
Certificate of Naturalization
Whereas Louis Abrahamson, an Alien, residing at 92 Upper has presented to me, the Right Honourable Reginald McKenna, one of His Majesty's of Naturalization HOME Right OFFICE Street, Liverpool, , Secretaries of State, a Memorial, praying for a Certificate alleging that he is a Subject of Russia, having been born in sluzk in the County of Minsk about the 5th December, 1877, and is the son of Abraham Daniel and Annie Abrahamson, both subjects of Russia - Shochet under the Liverpool Shechita Board - is married and has five children under age residing with him, viz:- Adeline Dinah, aged 9 years, Annie, aged 7 years, Dorothy Sophia, aged 5 years, Daniel Joseph, aged 4 years, and Freda Leah, aged 2 years,
and that in the period of eight years preceding his application he has resided for five years within the United Kingdom, and intends, when naturalized, to reside therein:
And whereas I have inquired into the circumstances of the case, and have received such evidence as I have deemed necessary for proving the truth of the allegations contained in such Memorial, so far as the same relate to the Memorialist:
Now, in pursuance of the authority given to me by the said Acts, I grant to the aforesaid Louis Abrahamson
this Certificate, and declare that he is hereby naturalized as a British Subject, and that, upon taking the Oath of Allegiance, he shall in the United Kingdom be entitled to all political and other rights, powers, and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, to which a natural-born British Subject is entitled or subject in the United Kingdom; with this qualification, that he shall not, when within the limits of the Foreign State of which he was a Subject, be deemed to be a British Subject, unless he has ceased to be a Subject of that State in pursuance of the laws thereof, or in pursuance of a Treaty to that effect.
In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my Name this 13th day of August, 1913.
Oath of Allegiance.
I Louis Abrahamson swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs and Successors, according to law.
So help me GOD.
(Signature of Alien) Louis Abrahamson
Sworn and subscribed this 15 day of August 1913, before me
(Signature) Herbert J. Davis, A Commissioner for Oaths.
Dorothy and her family were naturalized in August 1913
Occupation: Saleslady selling gowns in the 1939 register, later the matron at the Home for Jewish Blind in Southport. She was an administrator, not a nurse
1) Frederick Malpass (1907 - 1976) in December 1950 in Barton, Lancashire, England. Dorothy was 42 and Frederick was 43 years old. There were no children and at some stage they divorced
Marriage index for Dorothy and Frederick. Note that Dorothy's surname is given as Adams!
2) Marcus Levin in (July - September) 1975 in Southport, England. Dorothy was 67 and Marcus 76 years old
Marriage index for Dorothy and Marcus
3) Michael Lawson (1907 - 1999) in (July - September) 1987 in Manchester, England. Dorothy and Michael were both age 79
Dorothy and Michael Lawson on their wedding day in Manchester, England in 1987
Census details
Dorothy and her family are living at 17 Bloom street Liverpool in a 7 room house. In the household, there are six members, including Dorothy. Her father, Louis Abrahamson, is 33 years old and a shochet (Jewish butcher), and her mother, Etti Abrahamson, who is 30 years old. Dorothy has three siblings: Adaline, who is 6 years old, Annie, who is 5 years old, and Daniel, who is 2 years old
1921 Census
Dorothy and her family are living at 14 Jessel Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Lancashire, England in a 6 roomed dwelling. In the household are her father, Louis Abrahamson, age 44 years old and a shochet (Jewish butcher) for the Manchester shechita Board, her mother, Etti Abrahamson, age 40 years old, Adaline, who is 17 years old, Annie, who is 15 years old, Dorothy who is 13, Daniel, who is 12 years old, Freda who is 10, Miriam who is 7 and Eva who is 5

1939 Register
In the 1939 register Dorothy is still living with her family at 238 Great Cheetham Street, Manchester, England. Living with her is her father Louis, a shochet (butcher), her mother Ettie and her sisters Eva, Anne and Adeline. Her occupation is given as a saleslady, gowns
5 November 1999 in Liverpool at 91 years of age. Buried in the Duke Street cemetery, Southport, England, Section 25. Grave 829

Tombstone inscription: Lawson, Dorothy Sophia passed away 5th November 1900, aged 91 years. Sadly missed by her sisters, brothers-in-law, familya nd friends. M.H.D.S.R.I.P.
Hebrew translation: Here is buried the woman Dvora, daughter of Yehuda Leyb, peace be upon her. Passed away 26 Cheshvan 5760. May her soul be bound up in the bond of life

THIS IS THE LAST WILL OF ME DOROTHY SOPHIA LAWSON of 6 Glencoyne Drive Southport Merseyside.
1. I REVOKE all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me.
2. I APPOINT VICTORIA LEE of 5 Rydal Drive Hale Barnes Altrincham Cheshire to be the Executrix and Trustee of this my Will.
3. AFTER payment of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses I GIVE the whole of my estate and effects of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate UNTO my sister DR EVA CLYNES of 10 Daneshill Prestwich Manchester but if she should predecease me then I give devise and bequeath my estate UNTO the said Victoria Lee absolutely.
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Twenty eighth day of April One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine.
Will of Dorothy Lawson dated 28 April 1999. Her beneficiary is her sister Dr Eva Clynes

THIS IS THE LAST WILL OF ME DOROTHY SOPHIA LAWSON of 6 Glencoyne Drive Southport Merseyside.
1. I REVOKE all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me.
2. I APPOINT VICTORIA LEE of 5 Rydal Drive Hale Barnes Altrincham Cheshire to be the Executrix and Trustee of this my Will.
3. AFTER payment of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses I GIVE the whole of my estate and effects of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate UNTO my sister DR EVA CLYNES of 10 Daneshill Prestwich Manchester but if she should predecease me then I give devise and bequeath my estate UNTO the said Victoria Lee absolutely.
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Twenty eighth day of April One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine.
Will of Dorothy Lawson dated 28 April 1999. Her beneficiary is her sister Dr Eva Clynes

Dorothy Lawson Probate. She was living at 6 Glencoyne Drive, Crossens, Southport, England
ResidencesAt the time of her birth in 1908 Dorothy and her family are listed as living at 92 St Anne Street, Liverpool, England. The property no longer exists

In the 1939 register Dorothy is living with her family at 238 Great Cheetham Street, Manchester, England. The property appears to no longer exist, having been demolished and replaced by a block of units