Born: 1873 or 1874 in Svislach or Svisloch (Belarusian: Свiслач, romanized: Svislač, Russian: Свислочь; Polish: Świsłocz; Yiddish: סיסלעוויטש), a town nowadays in the Grodno Region, Belarus

- Marcus Gershon Levin 1899 - 1980
- Simon Bernard Levin 1905 - 1982
- Aaron Levin 1912 -1919
- Gertrude Esther Levin 1917 - 1979

The family is at 142 Islington Street, Liverpool, England. Jacob is 38 and a dealer in drapery. He has a shop operating from the premises, which has eight rooms over four floors. The servants lived on the top floor and the house included a warehouse where Jacob carried out his business as a wholesale draper (mercer); selling blankets and sheets to middlemen or retailers who then sold them to the public. The family was observant and had two kitchens in order to comply with the Jewish kashrut requirements. Hannah is 33 and the children are Marcus age 12 and Simon Bernard age 5

Hebrew translation: The honourable Yeshiva student
Yaakov an honest and modest man.
Learned Torah and supported other students.
Was known for charity he gave for the poor and misfortunate.
Tsvi, the head of his family, has left them in his prime years ,
to be mourned by his family, friends and all who knew him.
Yaakov Tzvi, son of Aaron Levin
This is the last Will and Testament of me Jacob Levin of 142
Islington in the city of Liverpool Draper I revoke all wills and testamentary
dispositions heretofore made by me. I appoint Asher Baum of 146 Lord Street
Cheetham in the city of Manchester Grocer and Nathan Shochet of 20 Nelson
Street Sunderland Financier (who and the survivor of whom and all others the
trustees or trustee for the time being hereof are hereinafter referred to as my
trustees) to be the executors and trustees of this my will and jointly with my
wife guardians of my infant children. I bequeath to my eldest son Marquis
Gershon known as Marcus my Diamond Ring and my Gold chain. I devise and
bequeath all my real and personal estate and effects into my trustees upon
trust to sell call in and convert the same into money with power in their discretion
to postpone such sale calling in and conversion) and after payment thereout of
my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses to invest the residue of such
moneys in their names in any of the investments authorised by law and to stand
possessed of such investments and of all parts of my estate for the time being
unsold hereinafter called my residuary estate) upon trust to pay the income
thereof to my wife for her life and after her death upon trust as to both
capital and income for all and every my children or any child if only one) who
being sons or a son have attained or shall attain the age of twenty one years
or being daughters or a daughter have attained or shall attain that age or
previously marry but so that my said eldest son shall have twice the share of
any of my other children I declare that my trustees may postpone the sale
calling in and conversion of any part of my real or personal estate for such
period as they may in their absolute discretion deem fit notwithstanding that
it may be of a wasting speculative or reversionary purpose and that pending
such sale calling in the whole of the income. And of property actually
producing income shall be applied as from my death as income and on the other
hand on such sale calling in and conversion or on the falling in of any reversionary
property no part of the proceeds of such sale calling in or conversion or of
such property shall be paid or applied as past income. I empower my trustees at
any time or times to raise any part or parts not exceeding in the whole one
half of the then presumptive or vested share of any person in my residuary
estate under the trusts of this my will and to apply the same in their
discretion for the advancement or benefit of such person but during my wifes
life her previous consent in writing to any such advancement shall be necessary
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Twenty second day of
February one thousand nine hundred and seventeen Signed by the above named
Jacob Levin as his last will in the joint presence of himself and as who at his
request and in suck joint presence have hereunto subscribed our names as
Sydney W Price 67 Lord Street Liverpool Solicitor.
Edith Quinn Haden Dene Polefield Rd Blackley Manchester (Nurse)
7 folios
On the 28th day of June 1917 Probate of this will was granted
at Liverpool to Asher Baum and Nathan Shochet the Executors
Certified to be a correct copy