Sunday 18 February 2024

Aaron Levin (1912 - 1919)

Aaron Levin is my maternal great uncle. On his death certificate his name was given as Arnold Levin. He was named after his paternal grandfather Aaron Levin, who died in 1910. Levin family HERE.  Baum family tree Here

Jacob Levin and Hannah Baum

Born: 11 July 1912 in Liverpool, England

Birth certificate for Aaron Levin who was born at 142 islington, Liverpool, England on 11 July 1912. His father was Jacob Levin and his mother was Hannah Levin, formerly Baum. Jacob was a master draper. The birth was registered on 12 August 1912

From his father's prayer book: "A son was born to me, may he live, in good mazal, on Thursday 11 July 1912, weekly portion Matot- Masei, 26 Tammuz 5672

His Brit, he entered into the covenant of Avraham Avinu, on Wednesday Torah portion Ekev, 31 July 1912

And his name was Aharon, after my father, of blessed memory"

Hebrew name: Aharon son of Yaakov Tzvi

Life: Aaron had Down Syndrome. His brother Marcus remembers him as a cheerful and happy child who was very affectionate. His family was devastated when he died

Death: 9 March 1919 in Liverpool, England age 6 from measles. No tombstone was erected for him

Death certificate for Aaron Levin. He died on 9th of March 1919 in the Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary. His name is given as Arnold Levin and he was 6 years old. He lived at 142 Islington and was the son of Jacob Levin (deceased), a wholesale draper. Cause of death was given as Cretinism (Down Syndrome) and Measles. His brother Marcus Levin reported the death, which was registered on 10th March 1919

Aaron is buried in the Rice Lane Cemetery in Liverpool, England. The red marker indicates where his grave is presumed to be


Aaron was born and lived at 142 Islington Street, Liverpool, England