Friday 8 July 2022

Philip Rosenberg (1879 - 1884)

Philip Rosenberg is my maternal 2nd cousin 3x removed. Rosenberg family tree HereHere

ParentsMoses Rosenberg (1852 - 1915) and Leah (1854 - 1892)

Born: 1879 (April - June) in Manchester, England

Census details
Philip and his family are at 39 Cliff Street, Manchester, England. His father Moses is a cap maker, age 28 and his mother Leah is listed as 27, both born in Poland. The children are listed as Betsy age 9 and Abraham age 7, both born in Poland and Joseph age 5, Rachel age 3 and Philip age 1 all born in Manchester

1884 (July - September) in Manchester, England, at 5 years of age