Thursday 7 July 2022

Pauline Wansker (1879 - 1954)

Pauline Wansker is the 2nd wife wife of my maternal 2nd cousin 3x removed Joseph RosenbergRosenberg family tree Here

Parents: David Wansker (1843 - 1923) and Esther (1844 - 1919). They were married in 1872

Born: 1879 (January - March) in Manchester, England

Married: Joseph Rosenberg in Manchester in 1908

Census details
The family were living at Broughton Lane, Cheetham, Manchester. Her father David was 45, born in Poland, a British subject and a trimming manufacturer. Her mother Esther was 37, born in New York, USA. The children were Sophia age 11, Joseph age 7, Abraham age 6, Florie age 5, Pauline age 2 and a newborn infant, Michael

The family are now living at Upper Camp Street, Cheetham, Manchester. Her father David is listed as being age 49, born in Poland, a British subject and still a trimming manufacturer. Her mother Esther is now 49, born in New York, USA. The children are Sophia age 21, Joseph age 17, Abraham age 16, Phoebe F Wansker age 15, Pauline age 12 and Michael is now 10

The family are now living at Bury New Road, Cheetham, Manchester. Her father David is listed as being age 58, born in Warsaw, Poland, a British subject and still a trimming manufacturer. Her mother Esther is now  listed as being age 50, born in New York, USA. Sophie, Joseph and Abraham have left home, while Forrie is age 25, Pauline age 22 and Morrie (Michael) is now 20. Also listed is Anie age 18 and Ruthy age 13

Pauline is now married to Joseph and they are boarding at the Morton Hotel, 2 Woburn Place, Russell Square, London, England. His occupation is listed as a tailor and a merchant and he is an employer

Pauline and Joseph are living with Pauline's parents at 179 Wilmslow Rd, Withington, Manchester. Joseph's occupation is listed as a blouse manufacturer and he is an employer located at Chesterwell Rd, London 

Pauline Rosenberg died on 3 April 1954 age 75

Death notice in the Manchester Guardian. As she was cremated there is no tombstone

Pauline Rosenberg Probate 3 September 1954. The value of her effects was 
£544 13s 1d and her beneficiary was David Wansker


In the 1921 census Pauline and Joseph are living with her family at 179 Wilmslow Rd, Withington, Manchester