Sunday 4 February 2024

Harris Marcus Baum (1899 - 1904)

Harris Marcus Baum, known as Harold, is my maternal great great uncle. He was named Harris after his maternal grandfather, Harris Rosenberg, who died on 21 July 1897 and Marcus after his paternal grandfather, Marks Baum, date of death unknown. Baum family tree Here. Rosenberg family Here

Asher Baum and Minnie Rosenberg

Born: (July to September) 1899 in Manchester, England

Census details
The Baum family is living at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham Hill, Prestwich, Manchester. Harold's father, Asher is a grocer / baker / shop keeper. He is listed as born around 1856. Both he and his wife Minnie are naturalised British subjects. Living with them is Jane (Jeanne) age 20, Fanny age 15, Abraham, age 11, Rachel age 11 and Harold age 1

Death: (October to December) 1904 in Manchester, England at age 5 years. It appears that a tombstone was not erected for him.