Sunday 24 September 2023

Wilfrid Wise (1916 - 1961)

Wilfrid Wise, also spelt at Wilfred, is my maternal 4th cousin 1x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Parents: Philip Wise (1889 - 1957) and Fanny Leah Jackson (1892 - 1968)

Born: (October - December) 1916

Hebrew name: Ze'ev, son of Feivel

Census details
Wilfrid's parents, Fanny and Phillip are living at 15 Kings Close, Manchester, England. Philip is a ladies tailor age 32, Fanny, age 29 and their child is Wilfred age 4 years and 7 months. Living with them is Fanny's mother, Betsy Rebecca Jackson, age 49, born in Valkavist, Russia

26 January 1961 at Blackpool, Lancashire, England, at 45 years of age. Buried in the Blackpool Jewish cemetery, Lancashire, England

Tombstone for Wilfrid Wise. In loving memory of Philip Wise, who died JAN 26 1961 aged 45 years. Deeply missed by his mother, sisters and brother-in-law

Hebrew translation: " Ze'ev Wise, died 9th Sh'vat 5721 – בט' בשבט תשכ'א"


Wilfred Wise probate 18 October 1961. His place of residence was given as 23 Dewhurst Avenue, Marton, Blackpool and he died at the Springfield Hospital, Crumpsall, Manchester, England and the value of his effects was £344 3s 1d. His beneficiary was his mother Fanny


At the time of his death in 1961 Wilfrid was living at 23 Dewhurst Avenue, Marton, Blackpool, England