Saturday 23 September 2023

Philip Wise (1889 - 1957)

Philip Wise, born Weiss, is the husband of Fanny Leah Jackson, my maternal 3rd cousin 2x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Parents: Unknown

Born: 15 August 1889 in Tarnow, Poland

Hebrew name: Feivel, son of  Alta (Alter)

Migration: Philip came to England as a teenager sometime before the 1911 census. It appears that his parents never came to England

Married:  Fanny Leah Jackson in Manchester, England in (October - December) 1915

Their first child was born in 1916 when Fanny was 24 and Phillip 27. Their last child was born when Fanny was 34 and Philip almost 37
Gerald and Eileen were twins

Occupation: Lady's tailor in the 1911 and master tailor in the 1939 census

Census details
Phillip is living with his cousins, the Allman family (Phillip and Dora and their 6 children), at 62 Trafalgar Street, Broughton, Manchester. He is age 22, single, a lady's tailor, born in Poland and of Russian nationality. Some time after 1911 Philip changed his surname from Weiss to Wise

Fanny and Phillip are married and living at 15 Kings Close, Manchester, England. Philip is a ladies tailor age 32, Fanny, age 29 and their child is Wilfred age 4 years and 7 months. Living with them is Fanny's mother, Betsy Rebecca Jackson, age 49, born in Valkavist, Russia

1939 Register
In 1939 Fanny and Phillip are living at 4 Wilmslow Rd, Manchester, England. Philip is a master tailor age 50, Fanny, age 47 and their children are Marjorie age 17 and Eileen age 13

11 June 1957 at Manchester, Lancashire, England, at 67 years of age. Buried in the Crumpsall Jewish cemetery, Manchester, England

Tombstone for Philip Wise. In loving memory of a dearly beloved husband and father, Philip Wise, who passed away 11th June 1957 aged 69 years. Deeply mourned by his devoted wife, son, daughters, son-in-law, relatives and friends

Hebrew translation: "Philip Wise Here is buried Mr. Feivel, son of Mr. Alta (Alter), passed away 12 Sivan 5767. May his soul be bound up in the bond of life"

Place of Birth
Philip Wise was born in Tarnow, Galicia, Poland

The first mention of Jews in Tarnów dates back to 1445, while the first written record of a synagogue can be traced to the 16th century. In 1667, Stanisław Koniecpolski, who then owned what was still a private city, officially granted Tarnów’s Jewish population the rights to a place of worship and their own cemetery. Tarnów’s vibrant Jewish community included large numbers of both Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, and the city remains a pilgrimage site for many modern Hasidic Jews. Tarnów’s Jews formed a large part of the city’s intellectual and cultural elite, among them several of the most prominent lawyers, doctors, musicians, teachers and entrepreneurs, though the vast majority were generally poor.

On the day WWII broke out in Europe there were about 25,000 Jews living in Tarnów, making up about 45% of the city’s population


In 1911 Philip is living at 62 Trafalgar Street, Brougham, Manchester, England

In 1939 the family are living at 4 Wilmslow Rd, Manchester, England