Thursday 6 October 2022

Harold Manfred Shochet (1914 - 1953)

Harold Manfred Shochet is my maternal 1st cousin 2x removed. Shochet family tree Here

Nathan Asher Shochet and Jeanne Baum

Born: 24 February 1914 in Sunderland, England

Hebrew name: Tzvi Menachem son of Nisan Asher

Occupation: In the 1939 register he is listed as a clerk and rent collector

Military Service:
Harold served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. His service number was 1023277

Census details
Harold's parents Nathan and Jeanne Shochet and their family are living at 20 Nelson Street, Sunderland in an 8 roomed house. Nathan is age 41 years and 5 months and his occupation is listed as financial agent and is still working on his own account. Jeanne is age 41 years and 2 months. Their children are Thora age 10 years and 5 months, Gerald age 9 and Harold age 7 years and 3 months

1939 register
His parents Nathan and Jeanne are living at 19 Park Place east in Sunderland. Harold is age 25 and listed as a clerk and rent collector

16 November 1953 in Sunderland, England at 39 years of age. Buried in the Jewish section of Bishopwearmouth Cemetery (Section 3, row 11, plot 22), Sunderland, England. According to my mother Manfred sought medical treatment in the United States but she does not know what his illness was.

In loving & lasting memory of our dearly beloved son & brother Harold Manfred Shochet departed this life 9th Kislev 16th November 1953. Deeply mourned and sadly missed by his loving family. Hebrew translation "
Here is buried from our nation's people one who is beloved and pleasant, he was always prepared to do the mitzvot of G-d, he was charitable and did many kind deeds, he was a trustworthy servant to his creator with all his strength, until the hand of G-d reached him at half of his days. He is the dear young (unmarried) man Tzvi Menachem son of Mr Nisan Asher. Died 9th of Kislev 5714, a man of 39 years. May his soul be bound in the bond of life."

Harold Manfred Shochet  Probate 25 June 1954. The value of his effects was £4,899 4s 6d and his sister Thora was the beneficiary

Dissolution of a Moneylending partnership between Harold and his brother Gerald


In 1921 Harold and his family were living at 20 Nelson Street, Sunderland, England