Hinde Aronson is my maternal 3x great aunt. Baum family tree Here
Parents: Movsha (Mausha) Aronson and unknown
Hebrew name: Chaya Hinde daughter of Moshe
Hinda Baumiene [Baum] listed in a voters list dated 12 January 1941
Lithuanian name: Ginde (Ginda) Baumiene (Baum) (Beim)
Married: Israel Itsyk Baum
- Kreyne Baum 1880 - Before 1892
- Vula Baum 1888 - ?
- Maksas (Movsha) Baum 1890 - perished in the Holocaust
- Kreyna Baum 1892 - ?
- Basia Baum 1892 - perished in the Holocaust
- Ida Baum 1897 - ?
- David Wulf Baum 1897 - 1921
- Mordkhel Gershel Baum
Apartment census in Kaunas in 1922. Ginda, her husband Isaak and their son Maks

Lithuanian internal passport application

A Lithuanian internal passport application for Hinde Baum in 1920, when age 62. The family is living in Kaunas, Lithuania. Details: Name: BAUM nee ARONSON, Ginde. Address: Kaunas, Gedimino street 29. Born in 1858. Birthplace: Kibarty (now Kybartai) in the Vilkaviskis district. Physical description: 1.58 meters tall, also mentions hair and eye color and something about her face. No distinguishing physical marks. Occupation housewife. Religion Jewish. She has signed under her picture.
Unknown, but after January 1941 as she is listed in a voters list from that date. So she lived to be at least 82 years of age. She probably perished in the Holocaust but there is no record of her in the Yad Vashem archives
In 1920 Hinde is listed as living at 29 Gedimino Street, Kaunas, Lithuania
At the time of her husband's death in 1929 they were living at 23 Prieplaukos street, Kaunas, Lithuania. The existing property appears to have been constructed after World War 2
Place of Birth
Hinde Aronson was born in Kibart (now Kybartai), a town in the Vilkaviškis district of Lithuania, about 100 kilometers southwest of Kaunas (Kovno). The town's history is closely tied to the Jewish community, which settled there in the mid-1860s with the establishment of the railway station and customs station. By 1897, Jews made up 45% of the town's population, with 533 Jewish residents among a total of 1,182 inhabitants. Over the years, the town's population grew, and by 1910, there were around 5,000 inhabitants, including about 1,000 Jews. The town was diverse, with residents of various nationalities, including Russians, Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews, and Tartars. Educational opportunities varied, with separate schools for different groups. Jewish children attended a school with a Jewish teacher to learn Russian, while wealthier families sent their children to German schools in Eydtkuhnen. The Jewish community also had three "chadarim" (religious schools) where children learned Hebrew, the Pentateuch, and the Bible.
In 1880, the Jewish Community obtained permission to open a Jewish Elementary School, supported financially by the Association for Spreading Knowledge Among the Jews. By 1914, the town's population had grown to around 6,000, with about 1,000 Jews enjoying a relatively high standard of living.