Sunday 10 December 2023

Norma Latter 1933 -

Norma Latter, is the wife of Stanley David Levimy maternal 2nd cousin 2x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Parents: Benjamin Latter (1895 - 1977) and Dollie Solomon (1900 - 1978)

Dollie and Benjamin Latter are buried in the Urmston Jewish Cemetery, Manchester, England

Born: 1933 in Manchester, England

Married: Stanley David Levi in Southport, England in (July - September) 1958

Census details
1939 Register
In 1939 the Latter family, Benjamin a watchmaker and jeweler and Dollie and their 4 children are living at 83 Bury Boulevard in Manchester, England. Also with them is Dollie's mother, Esther Solomon and a cousin, Helene Solomon. The information for the four children has been redacted as they were still alive at the time the dataset was released


At the time of her husband's death in 2003, Stanley and Norma were living at 10 Wincham Road, Sale, Cheshire, England