Friday 1 December 2023

Julius Levi (1896 - 1980)

Julius Levi, is my maternal 1st cousin 3x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Born: 14 February 1896 in Manchester, England

Hebrew name: Yehuda son of Shmuel Boruch

Occupation: In a 1929 directory Julius is listed as a chemist and in the 1939 register he is listed as a hospital dispenser

Married: Molly Bolond in Dublin, Ireland in (October - December) 1926

Their son was born in 1928 when Julius was 32 and Molly 24

Census details
Julius's parents, Samuel and Rachael are living at 64 Cheetham Rd, Manchester, England. Samuel is 30 and running a grocery shop and Rachael is 29. Their children, all born in Manchester, are Jacob age 9, Reuben age 8, Isabella age 6, Julius age 5, Sophia age 1 and with them is Sahar Glick, age 14 and listed as a niece, born in Russia

Samuel and Rachael are living at 186 Cheetham Hill Rd, Manchester, England in a 10 room house. Samuel is 40 and a baker on his own account and Rachael is 39. Their children are Jacob age 19, Reuben age 17, Isabella age 16, Julius age 15, Sophia age 11, Taubie age 9 and Florence age 7

Samuel and Rachael are living at 96 Stocks Street,Cheetham, Manchester, England in a 6 room house. Samuel is 50 and a general draper on his own account and Rachael is 49. Their children Belle age 26, Julius age 25, Sophia age 21, Tilly age 19, and Florrie age 17

1939 Register
In 1939 Julius and Molly are living at 18 Kings Road in  Manchester, England. Julius is a hospital dispenser and their son Stanley is age 11. There also appear to be two boarder's, Vosijs Krigeris, age 61, a master furrier and  Emanuel Jeruchmanovs age 26, a gentleman's outfitter on his own account

War Service
Julius enlisted during World War 1 on 18 September 1916 as a private, regimental number G/6520, before being transferred to the 2/9th Durham Light Infantry, regimental number 326480, serving in Salonica, Greece from November 1916 onwards

Additional information on the Salonika campaign:
On 31 October 1916, the 2nd/9th Battalion, together with the 2nd/5th Battalion DLI, was sent to the Greek port of Salonika as a garrison battalion. Leaving Southampton on 4 November, Salonika was reached on 15 November. There the 2nd/9th Battalion spent over two tedious years guarding buildings and bridges; fetching and carrying stores and supplies. During those years, the battalion lost more men to malaria and dysentery than to Bulgarian bullets. In July 1919, the 2nd/9th Battalion was moved out of Salonika to Kalamaria, before it was finally demobilised in early January 1920

Service Record

War medalsJulius was awarded the The Victory medal (awarded to all those who entered a theatre of War on World War 1) and the British medal (a campaign medal for all those who served in World War 1)

Electoral roll
In 1939 Julius and Molly are listed on the Electoral roll as living at 18 Kings Road, Manchester, England

2 September 1980 in the Southport rest home, 81 Albert Rd, Southport, England at 84 years of age. Buried in the Urmston Jewish Cemetery, Section 2, Urmston, Metropolitan Borough of Trafford, Greater Manchester, England

In loving memory of my dearly beloved parents Mollie and Julius Levi who passed away 22 July 1948 5th Av 5718 aged 55 years (Mollie) and 2nd Sept 1980, 21st Elul 5740, aged 84 years (Julius).

Deeply mourned by their devoted son Stanley, daughter-in-law Norma, relatives and friends. MTDSRIP

Hebrew translation: 
a woman of valor and a righteous  man, Malkah daughter of Reb Shlomo David, departed 5 Av 5718; Yehuda son of Reb Shmuel Baruch, departed 21 Elul 5740. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life.

Julius Levi of 81 Albert Rd, Southport, England. His date of probate is 24 October 1980 and the value is £7,949


In 1911 the family are living at 186 Cheetham Hill Rd, Manchester, England

In 1939 the family are living at 18 Kings Road, Manchester, England