Thursday 28 December 2023

Abraham Baum (1889 - 1944) / Arthur Abraham Bourne (1889 - 1944)

Abraham Baum, known as Abe is my maternal great great uncle. In the late 1920s he changed his name to Arthur Abraham Bourne. Baum family tree Here. Rosenberg family Here

Asher Baum and Minnie Rosenberg

Born: 10 December 1889 in Manchester, England

Arthur Abraham Bourne, age 50

Married: Dinah Israel on 13 February 1923 in London, England. Abraham was  33 years old and Dinah was 34 years old. They had no children and separated around 1929 but never divorced

Occupation: In the 1911 census he is listed as an insurance broker. Subsequently he was a baker in his mother's grocery store and served in in the army in World War 1 in that capacity.  IN 1921 he is listed as a woolen cloth merchant and in 1924 on arrival in Canada he was listed as a merchant, and in 1939 he was listed as an optician

Census details
The Baum family is at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham Hill, Prestwich, Manchester. Abraham's parents,  Asher is a provision dealer age 36 and Minnie is 32. The children are Annie who is 13, Jane (Jeanne) is 10, Fanny is 5 and both Abraham and Rachel, who are twins, are 1. They have two servants, Sarah Markus age 19 from Russia and Ellen Brown age 21 from Ireland

The family is still at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham Hill, Prestwich, Manchester. Asher is still a grocer / baker / shop keeper. He is listed as born around 1856. Both he and Minnie are now naturalised British subjects. Living with them is Jane (Jeanne) age 20, Fanny age 15, Abraham, age 11, Rachel age 11 and Harold age 1

The family is still at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham Hill, Prestwich, Manchester and Asher is still a grocer, age 56. Minnie is age 54 with her place of birth listed as Valkevish, Russia; Fanny is age 25 and a baker's assistant in the family shop, Rachael age 21 and Abraham age 21 (who has signed the document) is an insurance broker

The family is still at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham, Manchester. Minnie is now a widow, age 64 years and 8 months with her place of birth listed as Kovno, Russia, now Kaunas, Lithuania. She is running the grocery business. Fanny is age 36, single and also working in the grocery store as a grocer's assistant as is Rachael (spelt Raie) age 31. Abe Baum is age 31 and is a woolen cloth merchant. The house has five rooms

Arthur is a lodger in New York, USA, age 50 and working as an optical dispenser. He and Dinah have separated and she has returned to London

World War 1
Abraham joined the army on 18 May 1916 and enrolled in the Lancashire Fusiliers no 66781 as a private. He transferred to the 108 Section field bakery, Army Service Corps in June 1916 as a baker. His regimental number was 184661

Abraham Baum's army service file

Abraham Baum is seated in the middle with his cap on

Text: Sandwich Friday. This is taken in front of ovens so will give you some idea of what field ovens are like. We have 20 of them. Hope all well at home. Abe

Migration to Canada and the USA
Abe Baum arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia bound for Montreal on 17 February 1912 aboard the Teutonic. He is age 22 and his occupation is listed as an agent. He stayed in Montreal until July 1914

Abraham and Dinah entered Canada aboard the Megantic on 30 August 1924 and were going to stay in Montreal with his brother-in-law J. I. Bennett. This is Dinah's brother, Joseph Israel Bennett (1883 - 1963)

Application for American citizenship in New York on 26 July 1939. Arthur entered the USA in Swanton, Vermont from Montreal, Canada aboard the Highway on 30 August 1930

USA naturalization index. Arthur became a naturalised American citizen on 10 November 1941 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Arthur registering for the USA World War 2 draft registration on 25 April 1942. He lists his address as 2341 Lakeview Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. His next of kin was listed as Mrs Samuelson

17 January 1944 in the Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, New York city, New York, USA at 54 years of age. Cause of death was Adenocarcinoma of the Colon (colon cancer).Buried on 18 January 1944 in the Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, Queens County, New York, USA. Funeral plot: Block 2, Ref 33, Sec M, Line 5, Grave 3. His executrix was listed as Lottie Kriesman

Death certificate for Arthur Abraham Bourne

Family portrait
Asher and Minnie Baum (Nee Rosenberg) in Manchester around 1893 with their children. Left to Right, Rachel Baum, Asher Baum (seated), Hannah Baum (standing), Fanny Baum, Minnie Baum (seated), Jeanne Baum (standing), Abraham Baum

The building the Baum family occupied at 46 Lord Street, Cheetham, Manchester no longer appears to exist

In 1942 Arthur is listed as living at 2341 Lakeview Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, USA