Tuesday 21 November 2023

Reuben Levi (1893 - 1916 )

Reuben Levi, also known as Reuben Levy, is my maternal 1st cousin 3x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Born: (July to September) 1893 in Manchester, England

Census details
Reuben's parents, Samuel and Rachael are living at 64 Cheetham Rd, Manchester, England. Samuel is 30 and running a grocery shop and Rachael is 29. Their children, all born in Manchester, are Jacob age 9, Reuben age 8, Isabella age 6, Julius age 5, Sophia age 1 and with them is Sahar Glick, age 14 and listed as a niece, born in Russia

Samuel and Rachael are living at 186 Cheetham Hill Rd, Manchester, England in a 10 room house. Samuel is 40 and a baker on his own account and Rachael is 39. Their children are Jacob age 19, Reuben age 17, Isabella age 16, Julius age 15, Sophia age 11, Taubie age 9 and Florence age 7

War Service
Reuben enlisted during World War 1 as a private in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1/8th (The Argyllshire) Battalion (regimental number no 2940) on 28 January 1915 under the name Reuben Levy and served in France from 1 May 1915

Service Record

War medals
Reuben was awarded the 1914-1915 Star medal (awarded to those who served in any theatre of war outside the United Kingdom between 5 August 1914 and 31 December 1915), The Victory medal (awarded to all those who entered a theatre of War on World War 1) and the British medal (a campaign medal for all those who served in World War 1)

Died of wounds received as part of 152nd Brigade, 51st (Highland) Division attack on Beaumont Hamel on 13th November 1916. This was the last large-scale assault of the 1916 Battle of the Somme, France
BURIALContay British Cemetery, Contay, Somme, France, Plot VIII, Row E, Grave 29


In 1911 the family are living at 186 Cheetham Hill Rd, Manchester, England