Jack Copeland, known as Jack, is the husband of Isabella Levi, my maternal 1st cousin 3x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here
Parents: Michael Copeland (1869 - 1929) and Hannah Rebecca Segal (1869 - 1933)
Born: 14 May 1893 in Manchester, England
Occupation: textile merchant
Married: Isabella (Bella) Levi in Manchester, England in (October - December) 1925
Their daughter was born in 1927 when Jack was 33 and Isabella 32
- Joan Copeland 1927 -
Census details
Jacob's parents, Michael and Rebecca are living at 33 Gravel Lane, Salford, Manchester, England. Michael and Rebecca are both age 33. He is a shoe maker, and employer, and working from home. Their children, all born in Manchester, are Esther age 11, Kate age 10, Jacob age 8, Capar age 6 and Benjamin age 4. Also living with them are two boarder's, Louis Silver age 21 and a boot maker and Jabrel Wirechofsker age 20 and a tailor
Michael and Rebecca are living at 6 Granton Street, Hightown, Manchester, England in a 5 room house. Michael and Rebecca are no both age 42 and he is a job dealer in cotton goods. Their children are Esther age 21, Kate age 19, Jacob age 17 - a shop assistant in cotton goods, Casper age 25, Benjamin age 14, Leah age 9, Doris age 7, Rose age 5 and Sophy age 3
1939 Register
In 1939 Isabella and Jack are living at 98 Scholes Lane in Prestwich, Manchester, England. Jack is a textile merchant and their daughter Joan is age 12. There may be another child as well
Electoral roll
In 1934 Isabella and Jacob are listed on the Electoral roll as living at 98 Scholes Lane, Manchester, England
Isabella and Jack visited Montreal, Canada in 1957, returning aboard the ship Sylvania to Liverpool, England on 25 October 1957. Their address is given as 29 Knowsly Rd, Southport, England
14 December 1979 in Manchester, England at 86 years of age
Jacob Copeland, otherwise Jack of Morris Feinman HOuse, Spath Rd, Didsbury, Manchester, England. His date of probate is 18 March 1980 and the value is £10,527

In 1911 the family are living at 33 Gravel Lane, Salford, Manchester, England. The property no longer exists
In 1957 the family are living at 29 Knowsly Rd, Southport, England