Tuesday 5 September 2023

Augustus Dudley Schulman (Dudley Sheldon) (1898 - 1967)

Augustus Dudley Schulman, who changed his name by deed poll in 1943 to Dudley Sheldon, is the husband of Hannah Rosenbergmy maternal 3rd cousin 2x removed. Rosenberg family tree Here

Parents: Bernard Wolfe Schulman (1864 - 1949) and Yetta (1868 - 1952)

Born: 16 February 1898 in Leicester, England

Hebrew name: Gedaliah David son of Dov Ze’ev

Married: Hannah Rosenberg in Manchester in (January to March) 1932. Augustus was 34 and Hannah 25 years old. On 20 August 1943 Augustus changed his name by deed poll from Augustus Dudley Schulman to Dudley Sheldon and his wife and children also changed their surnames from Schulman to Sheldon

I, DUDLEY SHELDON of 30 Hereford Drive Prestwich in the county of Lancaster heretofore called and known by the name of Gustave Dudley Schulmann (known as Augustus Dudley Schulman) a natural born British subject, hereby give public notice that on the 20th day of August 1943 I formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of my said names of Gustave Dudley Schulmann (known as Augustus Dudley Schulman) and assumed and adopted in place thereof the names of Dudley Sheldon; and further that such change of name is evidenced by a deed poll dated the 29th day of August 1943 under my hand and seal duly executed by me and attested and enrolled in the Enrolment Department of the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 6th day of September 1943.

DUDLEY SHELDON, formerly Gustave Dudley Schulmann (known as Augustus Dudley

Their first child was born in 1933 when Augustus was 35 and Hannah 26. Their last child was born in 1935 when Augustus was 37 and Hannah 28

Census details
Augustus is living with his family at 118 Berners Street, Leicester. His father Wolfe is 37 year old and a dealer in watches jewellery and born in Poland; his wife Netta is 33 years old and born in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The children are Philip S age 9 and Augustus Dudley age 3. Living with them is a domestic servant, Liza Hicken, age 15

The family is living at 51 Bignor Street, Cheetham, Manchester in a 7 room house. His father Bernard Wolfe is 48 year old and a buyer of textile goods; his wife Netta is 42 years old and born in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The children are Philip S age 19, Augustus Dudley age 13 and Percy age 7

1939 Register
In 1939 Hannah and Augustus are living at 30 Hereford Drive, Prestwich, Manchester. Augustus is a commercial traveller for electrical novelties. Living with them is their daughter Sybil, their son Michael age 4 and Augustus's parents, Bernard Shulman, a retired jeweller age 75 and his wife Yetta, age 71. Also living at the property is Hugo Cohn age 55, a motor car salesman and his wife Thekla age 48

14 November 1967 in Manchester, at 69 years of age. Buried in section EN in the Crumpsall Jewish cemetery, Manchester, England 

Also her dear husband Dudley Sheldon, who died 14th November 1967, 11th Marcheshvan 5728, aged 69 years. Sadly missed by his son, daughter, son-in-law, grandson, relatives and friends

Hebrew translation "Gedaliah David son of Mr. Dov Ze’ev "


Dudley Sheldon Probate 14 March 1968. His address is listed as 30 Hereford Drive Prestwich (Manchester) Lancashire. The value of his estate is listed as  £6,972


In 1901 Augustus and his family were living at 118 Berners St, Leicester, England 

In the 1911 census the family were living at 51 Bignor Street, Cheetham, Manchester, England

In the 1934 electoral roll, Augustus and Hannah and their family are living at  30 Hereford Drive, Swinton, Manchester. They lived there until their deaths in 1967