Monday 16 January 2023

Estelle Stella Davies (1913 - 2003)

Estella Stella Davies, known as Stella, is the wife of Harold Kaufman, who is my maternal 3rd cousin 2x removedRosenberg family tree Here

Parents: Joseph Davies (August 1873 - 29 November 1945) and Maria Golda Strump (22 November 1877 - 1952)

Born: 23 March 1913 in Rochdale, Lancashire, England

Married: Harold Kaufman in Wallasey, Cheshire, England in (Oct - Dec) 1939. They were both age 26

Their only child was born in 1943 when Harold and Stella were both 30 years old. Born in London, he died around age 12 after an appendix operation. Subsequently Harold and Stella adopted a child or children, but I have no further details

1939 Register
Estelle's parents, Joseph and Golda, are living in 38 Holland Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. Joseph is a foreman and Golda a housewife. Estelle is listed as a grocer saleswoman

August 2003 in Liverpool, England, at 89 years of age


In the 1939 register Estelle is listed as living at 39 Holland Road, Wallaset, Cheshire, England

At the time of Harold's death in 1976 Harold and Stella were living at 12 Dorset Ave, Ainslie, Southport PR8 3SW, UK

In 2003 Estella was living at 52 Victoria Court, Southport, Engalnd